Processing Derivative Refugees and Asylees
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1 topics emerged from 7 total comments.

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topics last updated: May 22, 2024

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1 representative comment representing 7 total comments.

The following comments capture the core themes of the comments received.

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it is time to shut down the refugee, asylee program for the time being. it is time to <br/>concentrate on american welfare, which is suffering. americans are living in tents <br/>and eating at food banks. it is time to consider them as needing help and shutting <br/>down the flood of immigrants which our crooked, traitorous politicians have <br/>allowed to overwhelm america. thse people need to stay in their own lands and <br/>improve their own lands, not be allowed to criminally trespass in the united states <br/>unlawfully. illegal immigrants should be picked up and deported. the open door of <br/>american needs complete shutting. american taxpayers have been whacked by <br/>their own traitorous govt saddling them with huge education bills and huge welfare <br/>bills and medical bills for the lawbreaking sneaks who come across our borders <br/>without any authorization. it is time to shut the door.

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