comments last updated: November 1, 2024
In the WeedsDocument ID USBC_FRDOC_0001-0048
Federal Register ID 2024-24482
Docket ID USBC_FRDOC_0001
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Explore supplementary materials on regulations.govThe Bureau of the Census Census Bureau proposes to amend its regulations to clarify the requirements governing in-transit shipments from foreign countries through the United States that are subsequently exported to a foreign destination. This rulemaking proposes to clarify who is the U.S. Principal Party in Interest USPPI and revise the entry number description when goods are entered into the United States for consumption or warehousing and then stored in a warehouse or storage facility or admitted into a Foreign Trade Zone FTZ before being exported. This rule also proposes to clarify that when a customs broker is the USPPI and they are requested to provide information from the customs entry for the filing of the Electronic Export Information EEI that they obtain consent from their client as required in the customs regulations. Additionally this proposed rule revises several sections including definitions mandatory filing requirements responsibilities of parties to the export transaction confidentiality penalties and voluntary self-disclosures to ensure clarity accuracy and consistency throughout the FTR.