Notice No. 210A: Standards of Fill for Wine and Distilled Spirits

The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau TTB is reopening the comment period for a proposed rule Notice No. 210 published on May 25 2022 which proposed changes to the authorized standards of fill for wine and distilled spirits to solicit comments on additional suggestions raised in public comments made in response to Notice No. 210 that go beyond the scope of the original proposal. In Notice No. 210 TTB proposed to add 10 authorized standards of fill to those already authorized for wine and alternatively eliminating all but a minimum standard of fill for wine containers and all but a minimum and maximum for distilled spirits containers. TTB did not propose any specific standards of fill for distilled spirits as an alternative to generally eliminating them. TTB received a number of comments in response to the notice of proposed rulemaking requesting that TTB add specific new standards of fill for distilled spirits as well as for wine and also requesting that TTB consider eliminating the distinction between the standards of fill for distilled spirits in cans and those for distilled spirits in containers other than cans. TTB is now reopening the public comment period based on these suggestions to provide notice to stakeholders that TTB is considering these additional requests for potential inclusion in the final rule and to also provide an opportunity for stakeholders to submit additional information to assist TTB in assessing whether to incorporate some all or none of these proposals into the final rule.

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