Asset Management Plans; Management and Monitoring Systems

The Federal Highway Administration FHWA is proposing to amend its regulations governing risk-based Asset Management Plans AMP. State departments of transportation State DOT are required to develop and implement a risk-based AMP for the National Highway System NHS to improve or preserve the condition of the assets and the performance of the NHS. Through this notice FHWA is proposing to amend its AMP regulations to add and revise definitions in the rule and update the processes State DOTs are required to use in developing an AMP the required content of the AMP procedures for State DOTs to submit AMPs to FHWA to ensure that State DOTs are implementing AMPs consistent with law and procedures for State DOTs to recertify their processes for developing the AMP. The FHWA is proposing these revisions to implement changes in law advance current policies and increase the flexibility for State DOTs to comply with AMP regulations. The FHWA is also making minor technical corrections and changes to the rule to improve readability. Finally FHWA proposes to remove obsolete regulations governing transportation management and monitoring systems.